Java Program to Read Two Csv Files and Output to Csv

Read / Write CSV files in Java using OpenCSV

In an earlier article, I wrote about how to read and write CSV files in Java using Apache Commons CSV.

In this commodity, I'll take you through another open source library called OpenCSV for reading and writing CSV files in Java.

Calculation OpenCSV dependency

First of all, you need to add the OpenCSV dependency in your project. If you're a Maven user, add together the following dependency to your pom.xml file.

                                                            <dependency                >                                                              <groupId                >              com.opencsv                                  </groupId                >                                                              <artifactId                >              opencsv                                  </artifactId                >                                                              <version                >              4.0                                  </version                >                                                              </dependency                >                                    

And hither is the dependency for Gradle users -

            compile              "com.opencsv:opencsv:4.0"                      

Sample CSV file

Following are two sample CSV files that we'll read and parse in the examples presented in this commodity.

CSV file without a header - users.csv

            Rajeev Kumar Singh ♥,,+91-9999999999,India Sachin Tendulkar,,+91-9999999998,India Barak Obama,,+1-1111111111,U.s. Donald Trump,,+1-2222222222,United States          

CSV file with a header - users-with-header.csv

            proper name,email,telephone,land Rajeev Kumar Singh ♥,,+91-9999999999,India Sachin Tendulkar,,+91-9999999998,India Barak Obama,,+ane-1111111111,United States Donald Trump,,+1-2222222222,U.s.a.          

Read a CSV file (Retrieve each record as a Cord assortment)

The instance beneath shows how to read and parse a CSV file using OpenCSV library. It reads the CSV records one past i into a String array -

                          import              com.opencsv.                            CSVReader              ;              import                                IOException              ;              import                                Reader              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Files              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Paths              ;              public              class              OpenCSVReader              {              individual              static              final              String              SAMPLE_CSV_FILE_PATH              =              "./users.csv"              ;              public              static              void              primary              (              String              [              ]              args)              throws              IOException              {              effort              (              Reader              reader              =              Files              .              newBufferedReader              (              Paths              .              get              (SAMPLE_CSV_FILE_PATH)              )              ;              CSVReader              csvReader              =              new              CSVReader              (reader)              ;              )              {              // Reading Records 1 past One in a String assortment              Cord              [              ]              nextRecord;              while              (              (nextRecord              =              csvReader.              readNext              (              )              )              !=              cypher              )              {              Arrangement              .out.              println              (              "Name : "              +              nextRecord[              0              ]              )              ;              Organisation              .out.              println              (              "Email : "              +              nextRecord[              i              ]              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "Phone : "              +              nextRecord[              2              ]              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "Country : "              +              nextRecord[              3              ]              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "=========================="              )              ;              }              }              }              }                      

Reading all records at once

In the higher up example, We read the CSV records ane by one using the readNext() method. CSVReader also provides a method called readAll() to read all the records at once into a List<Cord[]>.

                          // Reading All Records at in one case into a List<Cord[]>              List              <              String              [              ]              >              records              =              csvReader.              readAll              (              )              ;              for              (              String              [              ]              record              :              records)              {              System              .out.              println              (              "Name : "              +              record              [              0              ]              )              ;              Organisation              .out.              println              (              "Email : "              +              record              [              1              ]              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "Phone : "              +              record              [              2              ]              )              ;              Organisation              .out.              println              (              "Country : "              +              record              [              3              ]              )              ;              Organization              .out.              println              (              "---------------------------"              )              ;              }                      

Annotation that, the higher up method loads the entire CSV contents into memory, and therefore is non suitable for large CSV files.

If you endeavor to read the Sample CSV file that contains a header, and then the header tape will as well be printed in the output. If you want to skip the header row, then you lot tin can use a CSVReaderBuilder grade to construct a CSVReader with the specified number of lines skipped.

                          import              com.opencsv.                            CSVReaderBuilder              ;              CSVReader              csvReader              =              new              CSVReaderBuilder              (reader)              .              withSkipLines              (              i              )              .              build              (              )              ;                      

Read a CSV file and parse the records into a Java Object

The real force of OpenCSV library is that y'all can directly parse CSV records into Java objects. There are ii ways of doing information technology - The offset method makes use of annotations and the second method uses Mapping strategies.

At that place are two types of annotations in OpenCSV - @CsvBindByName and @CsvBindByPosition. You tin employ these annotations to specify which CSV cavalcade should be bound to which member field of the Java object.

If the CSV file contains a header, then you tin utilize @CsvBindByName notation to specify the mapping between the CSV columns and the fellow member fields.

The @CsvBindByName notation accepts three parameters - cavalcade, required and locale. The required and locale parameters are optional, and you can omit the cavalcade parameter equally well if the header name in the CSV file is same as the member field proper noun.

Hither is an example of a POJO form that makes use of @CsvBindByName annotations -

                          import              com.opencsv.bean.                            CsvBindByName              ;              public              class              CSVUser              {              @CsvBindByName              private              String              name;              @CsvBindByName              (column              =              "email"              ,              required              =              true              )              private              Cord              email;              @CsvBindByName              (cavalcade              =              "phone"              )              private              Cord              phoneNo;              @CsvBindByName              private              String              country;              // Getters and Setters (Omitted for brevity)                            }                      

The example beneath shows how to read and parse the CSV records directly into your Java objects -

                          import              com.opencsv.bean.                            CsvToBean              ;              import              com.opencsv.bean.                            CsvToBeanBuilder              ;              import                                IOException              ;              import                                Reader              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Files              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Paths              ;              import              coffee.util.                            Iterator              ;              import              java.util.                            List              ;              public              form              OpenCSVReadAndParseToBean              {              individual              static              final              String              SAMPLE_CSV_FILE_PATH              =              "./users-with-header.csv"              ;              public              static              void              main              (              String              [              ]              args)              throws              IOException              {              attempt              (              Reader              reader              =              Files              .              newBufferedReader              (              Paths              .              get              (SAMPLE_CSV_FILE_PATH)              )              ;              )              {              CsvToBean                              <                CSVUser                >                            csvToBean              =              new              CsvToBeanBuilder              (reader)              .              withType              (              CSVUser              .              class              )              .              withIgnoreLeadingWhiteSpace              (              true              )              .              build              (              )              ;              Iterator                              <                CSVUser                >                            csvUserIterator              =              csvToBean.              iterator              (              )              ;              while              (csvUserIterator.              hasNext              (              )              )              {              CSVUser              csvUser              =              csvUserIterator.              next              (              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "Name : "              +              csvUser.              getName              (              )              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "Electronic mail : "              +              csvUser.              getEmail              (              )              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "PhoneNo : "              +              csvUser.              getPhoneNo              (              )              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "Country : "              +              csvUser.              getCountry              (              )              )              ;              Organization              .out.              println              (              "=========================="              )              ;              }              }              }              }                      

In the to a higher place instance, we obtained an Iterator from csvToBean object, and then looped through this iterator to remember every object 1 by ane.

The CsvToBean class too provides a parse() method which parses the unabridged CSV file and loads all the objects at once into retentiveness. You tin can apply information technology like so -

                          // Reads all CSV contents into memory (Not suitable for large CSV files)              List                              <                CSVUser                >                            csvUsers              =              csvToBean.              parse              (              )              ;              for              (              CSVUser              csvUser:              csvUsers)              {              System              .out.              println              (              "Proper name : "              +              csvUser.              getName              (              )              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "Electronic mail : "              +              csvUser.              getEmail              (              )              )              ;              Organization              .out.              println              (              "PhoneNo : "              +              csvUser.              getPhoneNo              (              )              )              ;              Organisation              .out.              println              (              "Country : "              +              csvUser.              getCountry              (              )              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "=========================="              )              ;              }                      

Apparently, the above method is not suitable for significantly big CSV files because it loads the entire CSV file contents into memory.

Using @CsvBindByPosition annotation

If your CSV file doesn't comprise a header, then y'all can use @CsvBindByPosition annotation to specify the mappings similar this -

                          import              com.opencsv.bean.                            CsvBindByPosition              ;              public              form              CSVUser              {              @CsvBindByPosition              (position              =              0              )              private              String              name;              @CsvBindByPosition              (position              =              i              )              private              String              e-mail;              @CsvBindByPosition              (position              =              two              )              private              String              phoneNo;              @CsvBindByPosition              (position              =              3              )              individual              Cord              country;              // Getters and Setters (Omitted for brevity)                            }                      

Read a CSV file and parse the records into a Java object without using annotations

If you don't want to clutter your POJO class with OpenCSV annotations, then you can use Mapping strategies to specify the mapping between CSV columns and object fellow member fields.

Consider the following MyUser grade.

                          public              class              MyUser              {              private              String              name;              private              String              electronic mail;              private              String              phoneNo;              private              String              country;              public              MyUser              (              )              {              }              public              MyUser              (              String              proper noun,              String              email,              String              phoneNo,              String              country)              {              this              .name              =              name;              this              .email              =              email;              this              .phoneNo              =              phoneNo;              this              .land              =              land;              }              // Getters and Setters (Omitted for brevity)              }                      

Hither is how you can use a ColumnPositionMappingStrategy to specify the mapping between CSV columns and Java object'south member fields, and parse the CSV records into Java objects.

                          import              com.opencsv.bean.                            ColumnPositionMappingStrategy              ;              import              com.opencsv.bean.                            CsvToBean              ;              import              com.opencsv.bean.                            CsvToBeanBuilder              ;              import                                IOException              ;              import                                Reader              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Files              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Paths              ;              import              coffee.util.                            Iterator              ;              import              java.util.                            List              ;              public              form              OpenCSVParseToBeanWithoutAnnotation              {              private              static              terminal              String              SAMPLE_CSV_FILE_PATH              =              "./users-with-header.csv"              ;              public              static              void              principal              (              Cord              [              ]              args)              throws              IOException              {              effort              (              Reader              reader              =              Files              .              newBufferedReader              (              Paths              .              get              (SAMPLE_CSV_FILE_PATH)              )              ;              )              {              ColumnPositionMappingStrategy              strategy              =              new              ColumnPositionMappingStrategy              (              )              ;              strategy.              setType              (              MyUser              .              class              )              ;              String              [              ]              memberFieldsToBindTo              =              {              "name"              ,              "electronic mail"              ,              "phoneNo"              ,              "country"              }              ;              strategy.              setColumnMapping              (memberFieldsToBindTo)              ;              CsvToBean                              <                MyUser                >                            csvToBean              =              new              CsvToBeanBuilder              (reader)              .              withMappingStrategy              (strategy)              .              withSkipLines              (              i              )              .              withIgnoreLeadingWhiteSpace              (              true              )              .              build              (              )              ;              Iterator                              <                MyUser                >                            myUserIterator              =              csvToBean.              iterator              (              )              ;              while              (myUserIterator.              hasNext              (              )              )              {              MyUser              myUser              =              myUserIterator.              next              (              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "Name : "              +              myUser.              getName              (              )              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "Electronic mail : "              +              myUser.              getEmail              (              )              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "PhoneNo : "              +              myUser.              getPhoneNo              (              )              )              ;              System              .out.              println              (              "State : "              +              myUser.              getCountry              (              )              )              ;              Organization              .out.              println              (              "---------------------------"              )              ;              }              }              }              }                      

The ColumnPositionMappingStrategy is used to declare position based mapping. In the in a higher place example, nosotros accept bound the first column to proper noun field, the second column to electronic mail field and so on…

Generating a CSV file

You can generate a CSV file either from an array of Strings or from a List of objects.

Generate CSV file from Array of Strings

The example beneath shows how to generate a CSV file by writing an Assortment of Strings into each row of the CSV file.

                          import              com.opencsv.                            CSVWriter              ;              import                                Writer              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Files              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Paths              ;              import                                IOException              ;              public              grade              OpenCSVWriter              {              private              static              final              String              STRING_ARRAY_SAMPLE              =              "./string-array-sample.csv"              ;              public              static              void              chief              (              String              [              ]              args)              throws              IOException              {              try              (              Writer              writer              =              Files              .              newBufferedWriter              (              Paths              .              go              (STRING_ARRAY_SAMPLE)              )              ;              CSVWriter              csvWriter              =              new              CSVWriter              (writer,              CSVWriter              .DEFAULT_SEPARATOR,              CSVWriter              .NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER,              CSVWriter              .DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER,              CSVWriter              .DEFAULT_LINE_END)              ;              )              {              String              [              ]              headerRecord              =              {              "Name"              ,              "Email"              ,              "Phone"              ,              "Land"              }              ;              csvWriter.              writeNext              (headerRecord)              ;              csvWriter.              writeNext              (              new              String              [              ]              {              "Sundar Pichai ♥"              ,              ""              ,              "+1-1111111111"              ,              "India"              }              )              ;              csvWriter.              writeNext              (              new              String              [              ]              {              "Satya Nadella"              ,              ""              ,              "+1-1111111112"              ,              "Republic of india"              }              )              ;              }              }              }                      

Generate CSV file from List of Objects

Finally, following is an instance showing how to generate a CSV file from List of objects. The example uses the MyUser form defined in the previous section -

                          import              com.opencsv.                            CSVWriter              ;              import              com.opencsv.bean.                            StatefulBeanToCsv              ;              import              com.opencsv.bean.                            StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder              ;              import              com.opencsv.exceptions.                            CsvDataTypeMismatchException              ;              import              com.opencsv.exceptions.                            CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException              ;              import                                IOException              ;              import                                Writer              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Files              ;              import              java.nio.file.                            Paths              ;              import              java.util.                            ArrayList              ;              import              java.util.                            List              ;              public              class              OpenCSVWriter              {              private              static              final              String              OBJECT_LIST_SAMPLE              =              "./object-list-sample.csv"              ;              public              static              void              principal              (              String              [              ]              args)              throws              IOException              ,              CsvDataTypeMismatchException              ,              CsvRequiredFieldEmptyException              {              attempt              (              Author              writer              =              Files              .              newBufferedWriter              (              Paths              .              get              (STRING_ARRAY_SAMPLE)              )              ;              )              {              StatefulBeanToCsv                              <                MyUser                >                            beanToCsv              =              new              StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder              (writer)              .              withQuotechar              (              CSVWriter              .NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER)              .              build              (              )              ;              Listing                              <                MyUser                >                            myUsers              =              new              ArrayList                              <                >                            (              )              ;              myUsers.              add              (              new              MyUser              (              "Sundar Pichai ♥"              ,              ""              ,              "+1-1111111111"              ,              "India"              )              )              ;              myUsers.              add              (              new              MyUser              (              "Satya Nadella"              ,              ""              ,              "+one-1111111112"              ,              "Republic of india"              )              )              ;              beanToCsv.              write              (myUsers)              ;              }              }              }                      


That's all folks! In this article, We looked at different means of reading and writing CSV files in Java using OpenCSV library.

Yous tin find all the code samples presented in this article in my github repository. Consider giving the repository a star on github if you find it useful.

Thank you for reading. See you in the adjacent post.


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